Monday, March 19, 2012

Spring into the unknown!!!

"Throw your dream into space like a kite, and you do not know what it will bring back, a new life, a new friend, a new love, a new country." --Anais Nin

This quote was gifted to me, and as I re-read it on the eve of spring equinox, I am reminded about the dreams of spring. As Winter is a time of reflection, Spring is a time for planting new intentions and patterns for which to grow from. I'd like to pose the question: if you had a packet of seeds and they were unlabeled, could you plant them and tend them with the commitment of that who's seeds you know the identity of? Not only could you, but would you?
     These are the questions that I ask myself as I begin to plant a new crop this season. For me right now, these questions are related to meditation. I have had a meditation practice for several years, however its been irregular and not something I had much intention around. After attending a Yoga Teacher Training with Sarah Powers in late February, I have been meditating 24 minutes a day.... she had me vow to do so. For three months. 
     I have decided to plant meditation as a practice and have no idea about the outcome. I am tossing this practice into space like a kite and just trusting that someday this little seedling will bear fruit that will serve me. It is hard work, tending this seed. My son turns one year old next month and I long to give him my attention. Sometimes my practice is interrupted, but I continue on just doing my best with the unexpected. So far I feel more focused and patient. I am able to come into my witness consciousness more quickly and hold that awareness in other interactions as well. It has been a delightful journey, and one I hope continues for many, many more seasons.
     What are you planting this Spring?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Whole Sole: Try this NOW!

It is not uncommon for people to come to me with discomfort in their feet. Plantar fasciitis is inflammation in the fascia that connects from the heal to your toes. Its symptoms can include pain in your heal or arch, especially in the morning, when the connective tissue tightens up. Some people report it as burning or stabbing. When I have experienced it myself, I felt like there was constant tearing and my heal was so painful in the morning I would limp around for the first hour after I woke.
   "Why does this happen?"people will ask, willing to make whatever change to stop the searing in their foot. Athletic folks will experience Plantar fasciitis from running and jumping too much, especially in shoes that do not fit them well. I have noticed small flare ups in myself since moving to low-profile shoes and take several steps to keep my feet healthy. Non-athletes experience it for similar reasons: poor footwear, and also greatly influenced by the way one moves and works with their feet and particular biomechanics on a daily basis.

   If wearing shoes take them off. Ballerina point and flex your foot a few times. Now interlace your fingers with your toes. Spread them as wide as you can and gently pull them back toward the top of your foot. Now find something round that will roll on the ground: salt shaker, tennis ball, vitamin bottle, candle. A tennis ball is my favorite. Roll your foot on said object from base of toes to heal for one minute. Start sitting, and to add more weight stand up, hang onto a door frame and put more weight into your foot as you roll. Good, eh? Do the other foot too.
   Ok, now come onto hands and knees. Curl your toes under and bring your bootie back toward your heals. Pause when you feel a stretch in your feet and as your body invites you back, you may eventually find yourself with your bootie resting on your heals, toes curled under and torso upright. Stay here for at lease one minute (BREATHE!) then shift back to hands and knees. Bring the tops of your feet to the floor and give them a few slaps on the ground to release the fronts of your feet. Spread your knees shoulder width or wider apart. Sit back onto your heals and bring your torso again upright. Pull up on one knee, supporting yourself with the opposite hand behind you. Hold one minute, then change sides.
   Aaahhhh...doesen't your whole sole sing with gratitude?
    Till next time....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Birthing realization

Today I was able to witness a birth. I watched a man and woman gaze into each others eyes and moan together. I am amazed at the power and skill of the human body.
    In anticipation of this event I watched a National Geographic special on babies. I was shocked to learn about the difference in proportion of the size of our heads compared to other mammals, and even more shocked to learn that a newborn uses 80% of its caloric intake just to operate its brain. The brain of the newborn has not yet discerned what is important information from the abundant stimuli of our world (light, texture, sound). All of the information his brain takes in goes on a super highway. Over the first year of life, the brain starts to discern where to build strong dendrites (nerve pathways) and where to let some atrophy. So much happens in the first year of life!
    When I was living in Hawaii, there was a huge marker on the baby's first birthday. It was when the piko ("place of being centered"....related to soft spot on the head and naval) closed and their unobstructed connection to the spirit world changed. Before this year marker, this giant brain, that is often 1/3 the size of the baby, can do so much at a cost of independence and movement.
   Even with this huge brain that wants to rationalize everything, we need companionship, love and support. And we have animalistic needs. Being with these people birthing their baby in their home proved it more to me than anything. The way they were relying on each other, and the way they roared. Our bodies and brains are so very awesome!

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Hands: an expression on the Heart

Last session we did a lovely heart opener that is the 'counter pose' for computer use. Before you move onto todays exploration, take a moment to revisit the movement from my last post- it is always a treat!
   Ahhh...the hands. They literally are an expression of the heart and the Heart Meridian in Chinese Medicine travels from the heart, through the center of the armpit, the medial (pinky finger side) elbow crease to the tip of the pinky finger, just to the ring finger side of the finger nail. There are points from the Heart Meridian that also connect into your small intestine and brain. Thus Happy Hands = Happy Heart, Intestine and Brain!
  There are 8 carpal bones that make up your hands, right where your forearm bones connect in. Around your writs is the retinaculum, connective tissue that holds your tendons into the bones so they don't spring out from your body when you flex and extend your fingers. Lets free up this precious carpal area now!
        Interlace your hands palm to palm. Circle them in a figure eight movement ten times to the right, then ten times to the left.
        Pay attention: this gets tricky! Show the back of your right hand to the computer, like a princess with your finger tips facing the keyboard. With your left hand, wrap your fingers around the back of your hand, between your hand and the computer. Place your left thumb on the ball of your right thumb. Pull your right hand toward your body with your left fingers and push your right thumb mound toward the computer with your left thumb. Aaahhhh. Repeat second side.  Now, one at a time with your right palm facing upward, grab each of your fingers and stretch toward the back of your hand. Hold 30-60 seconds each. Start with your pinky and move toward your thumb.
  Ok, thats good for now! There are lots of ways to keep your hands and wrists healthy, so check back for more ideas. Healthy Hands = Health Heart = Happy, Loving YOU!