Saturday, November 26, 2011

Pain in the Back

Ahhhh... a pain in my back. It is very disruptive to my life, as one who generates their livelihood from using their body, and as one who attains great spiritual fulfilment in doing so. My lower right back. This is a new experience, and my practice: to witness. Witness myself asking a fellow Soma Neuromuscular Integrator for help, witness myself asking my partner for compassion, witness the habitual- or mindless- movements that have brought myself to this place. Now, after admitting once again my humanity and vulnerability, I can feel my body start to unwind and am witnessing the transformation effects of Structural Integration work and Yoga.
    As a Certified Soma Practitioner and Yoga Instructor, I have many clients who come to me with different pains. Sometimes I have shared similar pains, and sometimes it seems as a foreign country. Every time I have a breakdown in my body, I see it as an opportunity to experience that what others do and I have not yet. It is a chance for me to generate genuine empathy, for when one has experienced then one can truly know.
   And there is also the doorway to open consciousness: In addition to my body sharing this pain with my, my purse was recently stolen- another disruptive experience. As I watched myself put together the pieces that get shifted from that experience, I watch myself realign the pieces of my body in gravity. And the easiest way to do this is with love and the aspiration of grace.
     Here's to another day of growth!!!

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