Sunday, October 28, 2012

King and Queen of Asana

Upside down and inside out!

What is the most unused form of movement our gravity-laden planet allows us to experience? Why, 3 dimensional boundlessness of course! We may not be able to experience that anytime soon, but going upside down on a regular basis can give us a hit of what it could be like. Join me on Sunday, November 4th for afternoon of Headstands and Shoulderstands. Learn how to safely approach these poses for your unique body and how to soar into a new relationship with gravity. Maybe next month we can explore life without gravity....

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Atha Yoga Nusa Shanam: NOW is the dicipline of yoga

How to make yoga a part of you every day life: do it NOW!

Wow! What an amazing experience to have my 18month old son not only do downward facing dog, upward facing dog and burpees....NOW he can do warrior I and warrior II!!! How can you do yoga like my little man? Try this NOW!!!

Time for Warrior I

Stand up. Yes, stand up and look at your computer monitor. 

  1. Give yourself a good 4 feet of space behind you.
  2.  Place both hands on your hips and use them as guides to keep your hips squared forward (toward your computer monitor :)). 
  3. Step your right foot as far back as you can while keeping your hips squared forward. You feet will remain about hips width apart side to side.
  4.  Bend your front knee right over you ankle and check to see your front toes are facing forward. You back foot will be angled strongly so the outer pinky-toe side of you foot can touch the ground completely with your hips orientated forward. 
  5. Holding your strong Warrior I stance stretch your arms up to the sky, lengthen your spine and waist and tip your head back to gaze beyond your thumbs. 
  6. Hold for at least five deep breaths, then do the other side.

Time for Warrior II

Alright! Ready for Warrior II? Of course you are. Stand up again and get ready!

  1. Again, give yourself about 4 feet of space behind you.
  2. Step back as you did before, only plant your back foot so that the heal of your front foot intersects the arch of your back one.
  3. Extend your arms out from your shoulders, in a T position from your torso. See that your ankles are below your wrists.
  4. Keeping your hips open, bend your front knee over your ankle again. Look down to make sure you can see your front big toe and your knee does not collapse inward. 
  5. Strengthen your back leg to help keep your hips broad and open and root down through the pinkie toe side of your foot again.
  6. Stretch your arms from your shoulders and soften your shoulders away from your ears. 
  7. Energize your fingers and smile! Hold for five deep breaths, then do the other side.
Feeling Warrior-tastic? Do it again! If an 18month old can do it, so can you! And the beauty of the little man's yoga is that he doesn't make a big deal about it. Rarely does he use a mat, dress in his fancy yoga tights and play new-age music. He just does it as a part of his ever day life. Lessons from the young!

Enjoy your adventures, yogi warriors!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Effective Content

How exciting! At this moment I am in a class to create effective blogs so I can better serve readers...and help you bring the joy of movement into this delightful life. I will also be blogging for The Ski Journal magazine for Yoga for Skiiers! I welcome your coments and look forward to the inspired, intuitive, mindful and conscious human beings that will be inhabiting our planet, and sincerely hope that I can assist with this movement!